Monday 21 May 2012

LightBomber app will light paint your photos to life

LightBomber iPhone photo editing App

Add some glow to your low light photos with the LightBomber app for a cool light painting effect.

On the off chance you’ve never heard of light painting, it’s those pictures you see with glowing lights dragged across the screen to form shapes, paths, and sometimes even words. This is a photography effect achieved by using long exposures to capture the path of light. To get your camera to capture the cool effect, you’ll often need a tripod to hold the camera steady as you set the slow shutter speed to create the image. Of course, for photo amateurs, attempting this could be rather difficult at first especially if you don’t own a full size tripod or have trouble timing and setting everything correctly. Hey, that’s what apps are for.

MRI Lightpainting Sample photo

LightBomber is an app for photography team M.R.I. Lightpainting who can be hired to parties to set up photo booths creating such effect. You can see the sample photo of their work from a fundraiser party I attended last night where I first came across LightBomber the app. For $1, the iPhone app allows users to capture long exposure lights in a tutorial type of manner so you can ensure you get the effect you’re looking for. You can how long you want the exposure to stay open (between 10 to 60 seconds) and how much light is in the room. The longer the exposure, the more time you’ve obviously have to whip up something with a sparkler, flashlight, or even the LED light on a mobile device.

The app also lets you paint your own pictures with some preset lights to dress up the photos even more in case you happen to not have some sort of light source while taking the picture. Lastly, you can share them online and see trending and popular photos the LightBomber community has taken. The app is useful for low light conditions that need a little sprucing up, such as an indoor concert or bars, or perhaps just a scene on the streets.

Sadly, the app is only available on iOS at the moment but given the same style of photo editing apps with vintage filters, LightBomber is a refreshing change to the mix. Now that you have the ability to create light paintings, graffitis, art, whatever you want to call it, this is an easy way to practice your long exposure lighting skills before attempting it on a full functioning camera. Since the iPhone is much more portable than a camera, you can also try resting the phone on your chest for more sturdiness to produce the best results. As the LightBomber description says, “The Streets Are Dark, Light ‘Em Up!”

I like this app - cool background effects. There are so many photo apps out there (with Instagram leading the way), but I like these niche ones that add a cool effect but don't significantly change the original.

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